Friday 23 March 2012

FOR ONCE, can you please stop talking about yourself.

Monday 12 March 2012

Thursday 16 February 2012

Hello there first of all its like 1130pm and I'm not asleep yet. I'm just really annoyed about the fact that I can't use words to really describe how I feel right now. Why are people being sooooo fussy about the smallest things in their life?! Why do they even tweet about wat they had for dinner or maybe whose that slutty bitch they keep backstepping about but do not have the balls to say who she or he is. I dont understand why people must care about all the smallest smallest like smallest things in the world?! And make a freaking huge fuss out of it, don't they realize what's actually happening in this world. Can people just for once? Just for once! Stop thinking about yourself all the time?stop Complaining that u hate tuition or u can't sleep or ure hungry and actually DO something about it?! Right I'm not saying names, this is to everyone out there and also including me. So wth people, start thinking about the bigger picture and know actually what's going ok around you.

DAMN! I feel damn good now, off to bed. Goodnights.

Monday 2 January 2012

helooo people just a short update,! I'M BACK FROM CAMP (: hehe, i feel soo good now, plus spending time with my beloved and most best friends to me (": what a good way to end the year of 2011. PHEW, despite all that (i think i'm gonna write a post about the year 2011) SOON ! && so is the month of january, and phew do i have a lot of jan babes waitinggg to be 17. earlier than me! HAA! there's tian chee justin yee aung, xukie etc. and all so important to me (': i shall write a post about their birthdays AFTER they celebrate it ! till then.

Monday 19 December 2011

cold december night

hey there (: its the month of december and i  am super duper excited and happy about chrismtas (: christmas shopping people celebrating with turkey! yumms, just cant wait. think i will be going to church this year again. :)

ok, so at the same time im pretty scared about next year, first of all, there's spm lah duh. but spm isnt that of a big deal ritee? ritee? haha, anyways, there's so much going on too and im afraid i just cantttt handle all of it. or mayb i can just becoming superwoman! :D hehe, but no, good try though. but of course, i need some goals and aims to achieve, ad not being like a potato couch during the past few days, im actually quite happy with myself that i slacked the whole day. ahahha i mean i only do that like one and a half month A YEAR. see! i need a break lah c'mon. (: anddd so. hanging out with friends and family, getting to spend more time with my mumm and brother, mayb not brother he sucks lah basically. hehehe , hope he doesnt read this. he wass all selfish with the phone charger yesterday, so im still mad at hin and therefore he sucks! to the max.

so anwyays, i am very excited aboutnew years eve too! i mean who wont rite. some people just sleep the whole night throughhout new years ): i mean how could u! if thats YOU! reading my blog now, please do tell me, haha dont spent the nite at home sleeping, cause the next day AINT NO SCHOOL, haha. xukie and the gang are coming over to celebrate with me (: what would i do without them seriously, thats pretty exciting just like last year was one hell of a sleepoever. who gets hungry at 4am and calls mac delivery BUT THERE WAS NO BREAKFAST TIME YET. wth?!!?!? -.- yeahh, 4am is NOT YET morning, humour me.  so yup! that too..

and i've been splashing my cash like nobody's business ): haha thanks to MEL! yesterday we spent the whole afternoon in curve shopping out legs off. but she's smart! she didnt bring sufficient cash so that she could control herself from buying all those tempting shirts! HAAAA, bet u think i didnt rite! WRONG of course i did! i just useedd up eveyrhting in my wallet T.T andd so that was the day when i spent *&&^** on my clothes and shirts. but then when i look at my closet and see those beauttiffull shirts that i've bought. OH SCREW IT (: hahah :D they're like morning sunshine to my eyes! hehehehehe. gotta wear it for new years andd probably CNY.

ok, im getting boringgg, i think im not even gonna read my own post zzzz. im so full of myself! :Prite rite? wrong-.- OHHH and did i meantion about camp! omg, and camp camp camp, wth! im in charge of games!
WHYINTHEWORLDDOIALWAYSGETINCHARGEWITHGAMES!!?!?!?&*)& I mean like serioulsy game leader sucks!! ): if u ever be one please let me know, or ring me a call. ill probably help you /laugh at you :) EHEHEH, yeahhh! and so im game leader and do u know how suckish that is. ohkay shit, i better not let anyone see that HAHA (: i shall leave my computer and eat some bread now. tata x

Monday 5 December 2011

helooooooooooooo (: hehe just a quick update. ummmm, hello decemberr!
im really looking forward for christmas ): lets countdown together ok! ohkay u do the counting down, just tell me then i write here HAHAH. :) ohkay thast all for now, im really enjoying holidays cause i can sleep in evyer morning (: omg, till like 12pm, then its lunch time! haha im lovin in! (Y) x

puss in boots is a must to watch! (:

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Make you sweat!

I am trying to post from my phone and it works! :) yay but it's so tiny! Ok but the sad thing is that I cannot post any pictures! Gahh'