Monday 27 June 2011


Helooooooo earthings! masterchef Aussie is on! to be frank i prefer masterchef US. there's more drama in there, aussie is too nice, their competitors are just like their best friends -.- not cool. hahaa, i'll watch aussie masterchef for the malaysian dude! HAHA :) yes he's born in malaysia, then he migrated there. he's cool, got that malaysia chinese look! so today was a good day, it rained the whole morning :) so lovely, i didnt sweat a bit today! and it was so cold during recess. therefore we postponed the raptai for school. yes can you beleive it? we just had our teacher's day celebration last friday and we haven even have our sportsday yet. soooo long and outdated lah my school. i'm pretty worried about Cherrie, she's not being herself, ): she's all moody today and she's always lazing around the house, she dont do that!! she'll jump around on me. omg, i think she's old already, thats one of the reason i guess ): SIGH. i hope she's not sick. should be the weather lah. heheh. I AM LOOKING FORWARD FOR 9th july! :))) byebye.

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