Wednesday 6 July 2011

Hello blog, it's a wednesday night and i've decided to blog to you again :) i must keep this blog alive and not like the other one. so sportsday is over! like finally. i'm really glad we had an awesome time, espeacially for us marchers, even though we did not win in our pembarisan, but what is most memorable is the process that all of us have been through, i could not express how proud i am to be a yellow housie! :) hehe, this  year's khemahan was absolutely stunning, and the colour of the pyramid and pharoahs, we should have got first i tell you! way better than the other :') hehe! here's a special kuning shout out,'' kuning kuning hear we shout, oh yeah we work dont you know? y-e double L O W. yellow yellow lets go!'' there are many many, UNCOUNTABLE pictures spamming facebook recently, i see lots of houses and their pictures all over. LOL. how spirited!

perfomance is in three more days! I CANNOT WAIT :) over worked today had a bloody pain ankle on both of my foot ): doc said i need to rest, and rest means by not jumping. how can i not jump i ask you? ;/ anyways, i dont care, im still jumping HAHA :) for the very first time ive invited my friends to come and see! :) im really excited about this. i hope i dont fall on stage or anything! will upload the pictures once i got them. ok i need to go now, i think cherrie is on heat again -.- better keep her away from that perv male dog of mine, no joke! i dont wanna have baby cherries all over my house! ok tata for now.

i am currently addicted to the song man in the mirror by MJ! ;)

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