Thursday 21 July 2011

you can't go far but you can always dream.

hello there, i haven been blogging for a week now. everythings just so busy nowadays, CF camp is tomorrow and i'm leaving everything to Him and let it be, not everything but i know He's presence is with us for tomorrow and on saturday, may He touch those who do not know him well enough, i really pray that everything would go well and smoothly. :) SIGH. no stress! dont be tense, its gonna be FUN FUN FUN.

Then again i dont know why my luck isnt with me nowadays. i got caught by teachers in school.and the things i do is just a minor case lah c'mon! i think it's ridiculous they're punishing me for the stuff i do -.- i have nothing else to say. actually i got alot of stuff to blurt out but then i jsut got blank at this very moment. damn, anotherr day then! haha so long people. tomorrow is going to be a long longg day. x

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