Tuesday 22 November 2011

Bruno Mars.

HELOOOO people! (: guess whose back! it's ME! duh , whoelse owns the blog. anyways, i know i haven been blogging for quite some time and im sorry about that cause urm, i actually forgotten about my blog URL, but you cant blame me for being so forgetful ok ): just look at my URL. WTH rite, ohkay nevermind..
Sso, last week i had a class trip to Pulau Pangkor, thats the picture up there of the view during the evening, isnt it beautiful? its' like a wallpaper! haha, and yeah great times i had with my friends, love them so much! we even played the banana boat and it was my very first time on it! :) it was exciting and fun espeacially the part when it comes to the cornering, we shaked the banana boat so badly that we nearly fell off it! hahaha, and we even got a warning from the dude who drove the boat. ohkay whatever lah at least we got safety jackets yeah know! :) they save lifes. Besides that, i think the high ligh of the trip was that and also the late night talks with the girls, and crazy MAHJONG TILL 4 am in the morning! with two cups of hot cup noodles, Shit seriously! KO-ed when i went back for more than 12 hours. but still it was fun and exciting, ahha :) enjoyed every second of it! there's still alot more to say though during the trip but i know noone will read this blog except for xukie wong! HAHAHA cause i think she's the only one that reads this blog loh, oh and thanks to her that i can actually blog now! haha i wont' say why, cause you guys dont have to know :D hehe

 And THIS! is a group picture of us (: 4S4, no there's not only 16 people in my class people, there's actually 43 but thats the amount of number you got for FUN! :) hehe! i like this picture very much! but too bad teacher is not in there, i have to thanks Mr Lim too for taking us there, he's a really awesome and fun teacher! haha al though he didnt do much but he took care of us like babies :3 hehe, so thank you Mr Lim for the class trip, it wont' be the same without you!. omg do i sound like weird, -.- ok nevermind! so thats about it for the Pangkor trip, for more pictures theres somethin called facebook where you can find like 800 plus pictures taken by my classmates :D HAAA! and no there wasnt any hot bikini girls or hot tan guys there in the beach. DAMN! just really pink pink people! hahaha. ohkay inside joke. ( ehehe xukie )
 AND SO! i dont think xukie is the only one that will read this becauseeeeeeeee of facebook, someone actually already knows about this blog. AND HE IS YONGYEETANG! :)  hahaha! there he is with me in Pangkor island wearing his newly bought RM 10 dollars Gucci shades , HAHAHAHAH sorry i have to say that cause its funny! :P you cant' really see him properly cause he's wearing that shades acting all cool and all, but he's actually damn cute one lah, dont believe me see facebook loh ^.^ ! teehee, ok enough about him , he's pretty lame actually, and do u guys know that he sits right next to me! ;0 (shocked face) yeah i know people ask me how i do it, how i stand him for a year. i just say..hahaha! i wont say it !:P nahhh just joking, later he come and walap me 99. he WTF wan dont play play! but i think is yellow belt or something! hahaha! I THINK LA. ;)

 AND THATS ENOUGH ABOUT HIM! :) now is about WONG XUKIEEEEEEEE, cause she's the reason why im posting this blog :) and hey! see i did! there she is can you see that fish mouth there! spot it spot it! anddddd you have it! :D its the middle one over there between me and yee aung if u guys are so blind :) haha! yupm thats her acting cute and all trying to spoil our picture but i dont mind cause she's so cute i wanna sqeeze her cheeks into into..cherry like! HAHAHA, yeah sometimes. ;/ i dont know why. so anyways. here's a more clearer picture of her. ( scholl down) :)

NOW ISNT SHE CUTEEEEEEEEEEEE (: HAHAHA, thats her doing a pig face. so yeah, thats about it. i know you will love this post lah xukie, cause its all about YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU. hope you like it i will post more if u guys want me to. just tell me that you actually still READ this blog, then i MAY post stuff about you! (: hahaha like my best friend here XUKIE! cause she's my best friend :) hehe

ok people off to dinner now. see you guys real soon xx. :) and happy holidays!
oh and all the best for the form 5s who are taking SPM this year (: xx

1 comment:

  1. erm.. correction? its green belt, but believe me, my skill is more than that lol... Am i still cute? lol......
