Monday 25 July 2011

what the heck is going on in my life right now, like seriously so many freaking issues popping up from nowhere and its just drowning me to dealth. -.- . WHAT THE HECKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK. first of all let me start off with the fact that im super pissed and mixed emotions and super mad again at the same time. WHY THE HECK CANT I STAY back for school? Is not like im going to spend my day smoking in school or anything. I know they've set some ground rules and i totally understand that but i just dont understand why cant i just do it?!??! wait till im old enough jaclyn, chill you need to chill..only a few more months, maybe a year and a half.

i wanna congratulate my best friend, low yee aung, who had finally accepted Christ, i'm very very very very happy and proud of you my dear friend :) im so grateful that you came for camp, even if is that very lil 20 minutes of session. yay! its all worth it!

ohkay, thats not the only reason why im so freaking pist nowdays, wait let me think, there's YOU, and then there's another YOU. oh wait! and then there's ANOTHER you. -.- couldn't get any better, thanks for pissing me off and hurting my feelings all the time.

and also i wanna thank my friend, this special friend, who thought me to


yes that advice goes to me, YOU. and everyone out there, if you want to do something or be somebody? or maybe achieve something, please dont freaking talk about it when you dont even do anything about it.

thats all for today. its an angry post! bai bai.

Thursday 21 July 2011

yay im very happy that day. one of the most happiest moments of the year. AND YET! i don't wanna express how dissapointed i am at the same time. so it's a mixture of everything, at least i'm not that blind anymore. so yeah. x

i was very happy that sarah, rachel, emily jia jia, haoyi, mummy, jo, sunny could make it. their presence is all i need so i thank you from the bottom of my heart that you were there :) x and dylan too ( i forced him to so that doesnt really count *) HEH HEH
you can't go far but you can always dream.

hello there, i haven been blogging for a week now. everythings just so busy nowadays, CF camp is tomorrow and i'm leaving everything to Him and let it be, not everything but i know He's presence is with us for tomorrow and on saturday, may He touch those who do not know him well enough, i really pray that everything would go well and smoothly. :) SIGH. no stress! dont be tense, its gonna be FUN FUN FUN.

Then again i dont know why my luck isnt with me nowadays. i got caught by teachers in school.and the things i do is just a minor case lah c'mon! i think it's ridiculous they're punishing me for the stuff i do -.- i have nothing else to say. actually i got alot of stuff to blurt out but then i jsut got blank at this very moment. damn, anotherr day then! haha so long people. tomorrow is going to be a long longg day. x

Saturday 9 July 2011

Dear mummy,

Thank you for supporting me. <3
Why why why why why why why why WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY!!!!!!
the only thing that can really make me happy has to be freaking ruined. At times like this I guess I truly know whose my real friends are. Whatever I don't care I don't care I I don't care. Im going to perform a god damn one hell of a show later weather whoever sees it or not goodbye freaking Malaysia.

Friday 8 July 2011

Dear god,

I pray that tomorrow there will be no serious riot of killing and violence. Please save malaysia! And give strength for those who are going to participate in this rally, and also I pray for my injured ankle! Please please please let it be cured! And please don't let me fall on stage tomorrow for this big performance which I trained super super hard for! Pleaseeeeeee! Thank you :)


I think cherrie is having a night mare again

Wednesday 6 July 2011

Hello blog, it's a wednesday night and i've decided to blog to you again :) i must keep this blog alive and not like the other one. so sportsday is over! like finally. i'm really glad we had an awesome time, espeacially for us marchers, even though we did not win in our pembarisan, but what is most memorable is the process that all of us have been through, i could not express how proud i am to be a yellow housie! :) hehe, this  year's khemahan was absolutely stunning, and the colour of the pyramid and pharoahs, we should have got first i tell you! way better than the other :') hehe! here's a special kuning shout out,'' kuning kuning hear we shout, oh yeah we work dont you know? y-e double L O W. yellow yellow lets go!'' there are many many, UNCOUNTABLE pictures spamming facebook recently, i see lots of houses and their pictures all over. LOL. how spirited!

perfomance is in three more days! I CANNOT WAIT :) over worked today had a bloody pain ankle on both of my foot ): doc said i need to rest, and rest means by not jumping. how can i not jump i ask you? ;/ anyways, i dont care, im still jumping HAHA :) for the very first time ive invited my friends to come and see! :) im really excited about this. i hope i dont fall on stage or anything! will upload the pictures once i got them. ok i need to go now, i think cherrie is on heat again -.- better keep her away from that perv male dog of mine, no joke! i dont wanna have baby cherries all over my house! ok tata for now.

i am currently addicted to the song man in the mirror by MJ! ;)