Monday 19 December 2011

cold december night

hey there (: its the month of december and i  am super duper excited and happy about chrismtas (: christmas shopping people celebrating with turkey! yumms, just cant wait. think i will be going to church this year again. :)

ok, so at the same time im pretty scared about next year, first of all, there's spm lah duh. but spm isnt that of a big deal ritee? ritee? haha, anyways, there's so much going on too and im afraid i just cantttt handle all of it. or mayb i can just becoming superwoman! :D hehe, but no, good try though. but of course, i need some goals and aims to achieve, ad not being like a potato couch during the past few days, im actually quite happy with myself that i slacked the whole day. ahahha i mean i only do that like one and a half month A YEAR. see! i need a break lah c'mon. (: anddd so. hanging out with friends and family, getting to spend more time with my mumm and brother, mayb not brother he sucks lah basically. hehehe , hope he doesnt read this. he wass all selfish with the phone charger yesterday, so im still mad at hin and therefore he sucks! to the max.

so anwyays, i am very excited aboutnew years eve too! i mean who wont rite. some people just sleep the whole night throughhout new years ): i mean how could u! if thats YOU! reading my blog now, please do tell me, haha dont spent the nite at home sleeping, cause the next day AINT NO SCHOOL, haha. xukie and the gang are coming over to celebrate with me (: what would i do without them seriously, thats pretty exciting just like last year was one hell of a sleepoever. who gets hungry at 4am and calls mac delivery BUT THERE WAS NO BREAKFAST TIME YET. wth?!!?!? -.- yeahh, 4am is NOT YET morning, humour me.  so yup! that too..

and i've been splashing my cash like nobody's business ): haha thanks to MEL! yesterday we spent the whole afternoon in curve shopping out legs off. but she's smart! she didnt bring sufficient cash so that she could control herself from buying all those tempting shirts! HAAAA, bet u think i didnt rite! WRONG of course i did! i just useedd up eveyrhting in my wallet T.T andd so that was the day when i spent *&&^** on my clothes and shirts. but then when i look at my closet and see those beauttiffull shirts that i've bought. OH SCREW IT (: hahah :D they're like morning sunshine to my eyes! hehehehehe. gotta wear it for new years andd probably CNY.

ok, im getting boringgg, i think im not even gonna read my own post zzzz. im so full of myself! :Prite rite? wrong-.- OHHH and did i meantion about camp! omg, and camp camp camp, wth! im in charge of games!
WHYINTHEWORLDDOIALWAYSGETINCHARGEWITHGAMES!!?!?!?&*)& I mean like serioulsy game leader sucks!! ): if u ever be one please let me know, or ring me a call. ill probably help you /laugh at you :) EHEHEH, yeahhh! and so im game leader and do u know how suckish that is. ohkay shit, i better not let anyone see that HAHA (: i shall leave my computer and eat some bread now. tata x

Monday 5 December 2011

helooooooooooooo (: hehe just a quick update. ummmm, hello decemberr!
im really looking forward for christmas ): lets countdown together ok! ohkay u do the counting down, just tell me then i write here HAHAH. :) ohkay thast all for now, im really enjoying holidays cause i can sleep in evyer morning (: omg, till like 12pm, then its lunch time! haha im lovin in! (Y) x

puss in boots is a must to watch! (:

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Make you sweat!

I am trying to post from my phone and it works! :) yay but it's so tiny! Ok but the sad thing is that I cannot post any pictures! Gahh'

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Bruno Mars.

HELOOOO people! (: guess whose back! it's ME! duh , whoelse owns the blog. anyways, i know i haven been blogging for quite some time and im sorry about that cause urm, i actually forgotten about my blog URL, but you cant blame me for being so forgetful ok ): just look at my URL. WTH rite, ohkay nevermind..
Sso, last week i had a class trip to Pulau Pangkor, thats the picture up there of the view during the evening, isnt it beautiful? its' like a wallpaper! haha, and yeah great times i had with my friends, love them so much! we even played the banana boat and it was my very first time on it! :) it was exciting and fun espeacially the part when it comes to the cornering, we shaked the banana boat so badly that we nearly fell off it! hahaha, and we even got a warning from the dude who drove the boat. ohkay whatever lah at least we got safety jackets yeah know! :) they save lifes. Besides that, i think the high ligh of the trip was that and also the late night talks with the girls, and crazy MAHJONG TILL 4 am in the morning! with two cups of hot cup noodles, Shit seriously! KO-ed when i went back for more than 12 hours. but still it was fun and exciting, ahha :) enjoyed every second of it! there's still alot more to say though during the trip but i know noone will read this blog except for xukie wong! HAHAHA cause i think she's the only one that reads this blog loh, oh and thanks to her that i can actually blog now! haha i wont' say why, cause you guys dont have to know :D hehe

 And THIS! is a group picture of us (: 4S4, no there's not only 16 people in my class people, there's actually 43 but thats the amount of number you got for FUN! :) hehe! i like this picture very much! but too bad teacher is not in there, i have to thanks Mr Lim too for taking us there, he's a really awesome and fun teacher! haha al though he didnt do much but he took care of us like babies :3 hehe, so thank you Mr Lim for the class trip, it wont' be the same without you!. omg do i sound like weird, -.- ok nevermind! so thats about it for the Pangkor trip, for more pictures theres somethin called facebook where you can find like 800 plus pictures taken by my classmates :D HAAA! and no there wasnt any hot bikini girls or hot tan guys there in the beach. DAMN! just really pink pink people! hahaha. ohkay inside joke. ( ehehe xukie )
 AND SO! i dont think xukie is the only one that will read this becauseeeeeeeee of facebook, someone actually already knows about this blog. AND HE IS YONGYEETANG! :)  hahaha! there he is with me in Pangkor island wearing his newly bought RM 10 dollars Gucci shades , HAHAHAHAH sorry i have to say that cause its funny! :P you cant' really see him properly cause he's wearing that shades acting all cool and all, but he's actually damn cute one lah, dont believe me see facebook loh ^.^ ! teehee, ok enough about him , he's pretty lame actually, and do u guys know that he sits right next to me! ;0 (shocked face) yeah i know people ask me how i do it, how i stand him for a year. i just say..hahaha! i wont say it !:P nahhh just joking, later he come and walap me 99. he WTF wan dont play play! but i think is yellow belt or something! hahaha! I THINK LA. ;)

 AND THATS ENOUGH ABOUT HIM! :) now is about WONG XUKIEEEEEEEE, cause she's the reason why im posting this blog :) and hey! see i did! there she is can you see that fish mouth there! spot it spot it! anddddd you have it! :D its the middle one over there between me and yee aung if u guys are so blind :) haha! yupm thats her acting cute and all trying to spoil our picture but i dont mind cause she's so cute i wanna sqeeze her cheeks into into..cherry like! HAHAHA, yeah sometimes. ;/ i dont know why. so anyways. here's a more clearer picture of her. ( scholl down) :)

NOW ISNT SHE CUTEEEEEEEEEEEE (: HAHAHA, thats her doing a pig face. so yeah, thats about it. i know you will love this post lah xukie, cause its all about YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU. hope you like it i will post more if u guys want me to. just tell me that you actually still READ this blog, then i MAY post stuff about you! (: hahaha like my best friend here XUKIE! cause she's my best friend :) hehe

ok people off to dinner now. see you guys real soon xx. :) and happy holidays!
oh and all the best for the form 5s who are taking SPM this year (: xx

Monday 25 July 2011

what the heck is going on in my life right now, like seriously so many freaking issues popping up from nowhere and its just drowning me to dealth. -.- . WHAT THE HECKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK. first of all let me start off with the fact that im super pissed and mixed emotions and super mad again at the same time. WHY THE HECK CANT I STAY back for school? Is not like im going to spend my day smoking in school or anything. I know they've set some ground rules and i totally understand that but i just dont understand why cant i just do it?!??! wait till im old enough jaclyn, chill you need to chill..only a few more months, maybe a year and a half.

i wanna congratulate my best friend, low yee aung, who had finally accepted Christ, i'm very very very very happy and proud of you my dear friend :) im so grateful that you came for camp, even if is that very lil 20 minutes of session. yay! its all worth it!

ohkay, thats not the only reason why im so freaking pist nowdays, wait let me think, there's YOU, and then there's another YOU. oh wait! and then there's ANOTHER you. -.- couldn't get any better, thanks for pissing me off and hurting my feelings all the time.

and also i wanna thank my friend, this special friend, who thought me to


yes that advice goes to me, YOU. and everyone out there, if you want to do something or be somebody? or maybe achieve something, please dont freaking talk about it when you dont even do anything about it.

thats all for today. its an angry post! bai bai.

Thursday 21 July 2011

yay im very happy that day. one of the most happiest moments of the year. AND YET! i don't wanna express how dissapointed i am at the same time. so it's a mixture of everything, at least i'm not that blind anymore. so yeah. x

i was very happy that sarah, rachel, emily jia jia, haoyi, mummy, jo, sunny could make it. their presence is all i need so i thank you from the bottom of my heart that you were there :) x and dylan too ( i forced him to so that doesnt really count *) HEH HEH
you can't go far but you can always dream.

hello there, i haven been blogging for a week now. everythings just so busy nowadays, CF camp is tomorrow and i'm leaving everything to Him and let it be, not everything but i know He's presence is with us for tomorrow and on saturday, may He touch those who do not know him well enough, i really pray that everything would go well and smoothly. :) SIGH. no stress! dont be tense, its gonna be FUN FUN FUN.

Then again i dont know why my luck isnt with me nowadays. i got caught by teachers in school.and the things i do is just a minor case lah c'mon! i think it's ridiculous they're punishing me for the stuff i do -.- i have nothing else to say. actually i got alot of stuff to blurt out but then i jsut got blank at this very moment. damn, anotherr day then! haha so long people. tomorrow is going to be a long longg day. x

Saturday 9 July 2011

Dear mummy,

Thank you for supporting me. <3
Why why why why why why why why WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY!!!!!!
the only thing that can really make me happy has to be freaking ruined. At times like this I guess I truly know whose my real friends are. Whatever I don't care I don't care I I don't care. Im going to perform a god damn one hell of a show later weather whoever sees it or not goodbye freaking Malaysia.

Friday 8 July 2011

Dear god,

I pray that tomorrow there will be no serious riot of killing and violence. Please save malaysia! And give strength for those who are going to participate in this rally, and also I pray for my injured ankle! Please please please let it be cured! And please don't let me fall on stage tomorrow for this big performance which I trained super super hard for! Pleaseeeeeee! Thank you :)


I think cherrie is having a night mare again

Wednesday 6 July 2011

Hello blog, it's a wednesday night and i've decided to blog to you again :) i must keep this blog alive and not like the other one. so sportsday is over! like finally. i'm really glad we had an awesome time, espeacially for us marchers, even though we did not win in our pembarisan, but what is most memorable is the process that all of us have been through, i could not express how proud i am to be a yellow housie! :) hehe, this  year's khemahan was absolutely stunning, and the colour of the pyramid and pharoahs, we should have got first i tell you! way better than the other :') hehe! here's a special kuning shout out,'' kuning kuning hear we shout, oh yeah we work dont you know? y-e double L O W. yellow yellow lets go!'' there are many many, UNCOUNTABLE pictures spamming facebook recently, i see lots of houses and their pictures all over. LOL. how spirited!

perfomance is in three more days! I CANNOT WAIT :) over worked today had a bloody pain ankle on both of my foot ): doc said i need to rest, and rest means by not jumping. how can i not jump i ask you? ;/ anyways, i dont care, im still jumping HAHA :) for the very first time ive invited my friends to come and see! :) im really excited about this. i hope i dont fall on stage or anything! will upload the pictures once i got them. ok i need to go now, i think cherrie is on heat again -.- better keep her away from that perv male dog of mine, no joke! i dont wanna have baby cherries all over my house! ok tata for now.

i am currently addicted to the song man in the mirror by MJ! ;)

Monday 27 June 2011


Helooooooo earthings! masterchef Aussie is on! to be frank i prefer masterchef US. there's more drama in there, aussie is too nice, their competitors are just like their best friends -.- not cool. hahaa, i'll watch aussie masterchef for the malaysian dude! HAHA :) yes he's born in malaysia, then he migrated there. he's cool, got that malaysia chinese look! so today was a good day, it rained the whole morning :) so lovely, i didnt sweat a bit today! and it was so cold during recess. therefore we postponed the raptai for school. yes can you beleive it? we just had our teacher's day celebration last friday and we haven even have our sportsday yet. soooo long and outdated lah my school. i'm pretty worried about Cherrie, she's not being herself, ): she's all moody today and she's always lazing around the house, she dont do that!! she'll jump around on me. omg, i think she's old already, thats one of the reason i guess ): SIGH. i hope she's not sick. should be the weather lah. heheh. I AM LOOKING FORWARD FOR 9th july! :))) byebye.

Saturday 25 June 2011

If you did not realise, i spelled my blogspot name wrongly. OMG, what is wrong with me. ''with'' became ''iwth'' -.- sighhhhhh, too lazy to change so this will be my permanent URL! heh heh. i'm pretty excited about tomorrow's dance rehearsal :) then it's church, we're going to watch a moviee! can't wait. ill bring my pillow lah. hahaa. oohkay im blank now, my dad is going through my facebook profile -.- goodnite.
wa she's so hot :)
scarlett johansson

First post :)

hello earthings. it's my first post! :) hehehe, for my old blog,, i wont' be using that anymore because i can't sign in my homtail account -.- so stupid, they said my account has been blocked and i DO check my mail, sometimes. but not more than 6 months till they have to block it. -.- waste my time.

Anyways! since i have a new blog! i dont' have friends yet. heh heh, so if you want me to follow up with yeah life! please feel free to just tell me your url and ill sure drop by to say hi :) ohkay thats it for now i guess, im going to decorate this plain old blog! haha. ciao